Lady Gaga has reportedly apologized for her retarded comments, she uttered recently. Gaga has recently described her critics as retarded. The critics have criticized her new track ‘Born This Way’ mentioning it an utter plagiarism copied from Madonna’s 1989’s single ‘Express Yourself’.
Lady Gaga said, “Why would I try to put out a song and think I’m getting one over on everybody? That’s retarded.”
Later Gaga issued the statement to a popular website: “I consider it part of my life’s work and music to push the boundaries of love and acceptance.”
Lady Gaga apologized saying that her apologizes for not uttering considerately. She said if anybody got hurt from her comments, she apologized for the same and her action was simply unintentional.
Lady Gaga has also mentioned that Madonna’s reps had sent her letter with love and utter support. Well, one has better check and listen the two tracks ‘Born This Way’ and ‘Express Yourself’.