
The Vaults of Erowid is an online encyclopedia that provides information about the plants and chemical which have an impact on the emotions, feelings and behaviors of human beings. It contains the uses and abuses of all the drugs and natural herbs in the legal and illegal context. Erowid also gives information about the behaviors and activities such as medication and dreaming; not the ordinary dreaming but the state in which a person is conscious that he is dreaming—his mind is awake but body is not.

The site appeared on the World Wide Web in the month of April in the annum ‘95. All the information on the site is build by collecting the experiences of common people and cultures, books, magazine and literature from different countries. Furthermore, it contains more than fifty thousand documents which are related to faqs, law, drug dosage,

articles from media sources, health, chemistry, drug testing, spiritual and traditional use, experience reports, pictures, research abstracts and summaries and positive and negative uses of pharmaceutical products. According to the estimate of annum ‘08, on daily basis, fifty five thousand people are the visitors of the website, which by now has increased to a great degree.

The information provided by the site has been regarded as most accurate, comprehensive and authentic by most physicians and researchers. The meaning of Erowid is wisdom of earth. The server of the site is located in San Francisco and operated by a team which is based in northern part of California.